Virtual Exhibitions

Why not visit our first-ever on-line ‘virtual exhibition’? The Lancashire Infantry Museum had hoped to mount a special exhibition to mark the 80th anniversary of the role of our Regiments at Dunkirk, produced in association with the University of Central Lancashire. Instead, with the generous assistance of the University, we made it into our very first on-line display.

The East Lancashires, the South Lancashires, and the Loyals all fought in the ghastly, grinding war against the Japanese, and the 2nd Loyals and 18th Recce (formerly 5th Loyals) suffered terribly as Prisoners Of War after being captured at Singapore. See our on-line tribute to them and the men of the 14th Army – the ‘Forgotten Army’.

ADEN '67
The final year of the British presence in Aden was a difficult and dangerous one which looms large in the Regiment’s post-war history. The Loyal (North Lancashires) and the Lancashire Regiment (Prince of Wales Volunteers), both immediate predecessors of The Queen’s Lancashire Regiment, saw active service there, with the Lancashire (PWV)s having the distinction of receiving more operational honours and awards for its eight-month tour of duty than any other unit. Our Acting Curator Thomas Mallinson has scanned the Museum’s objects, images, regimental journals and archives to produce a fascinating on-line display.