Family History and Object Research Service
The Museum welcomes research enquiries, including family history research requests concerning individual soldiers. The fees raised for this research are the primary source of funding the long-term preservation of the Archive Collection. However, before requesting a search, it is very important to note the following:
We are able only to answer questions on soldiers who served with one of the following Regiments, or their antecedent Regiments of Foot prior to 1881:
Queen’s Lancashire Regiment,
Lancashire Regiment (PWV)
East Lancashire Regiment (30th and 59th Regiments of Foot)
South Lancashire Regiment (40th and 82nd Foot)
Loyal North Lancashire Regiment (47th and 81st Foot)
We also hold some archive material relating to local Lancashire militia and volunteer Regiments.
Our ability to research individual officers or soldiers is limited as we do not hold personal records, which remain the property of the State. Guidance on accessing State records is given below.
Nevertheless, information on many individuals can be provided if they were mentioned in Regimental Journals, battalion war diaries or other regimental documentation now lodged in the Archive.
In addition, if the battalion is known, information may be provided on the movements, locations and activities of an individual’s unit at a given time, or even on a specific date. However, these details are not indexed and a search may take some time.
To research personal records held by the State, contact either the National Archives (TNA) or the Army Personnel Centre (APC).
To find an individual killed in either the First or Second World Wars, check the website of the Commonwealth War Graves Commission (CWGC), where details of British and Commonwealth soldiers killed in action can be easily accessed.
For the contact details of these and other useful research sources please click HERE.
We are not always able to answer all questions asked of us. We hold perhaps the most substantial Regimental Archive in the country, but it is by no means 100% complete, and can never be. We will, however, always do our very best to find information to assist with your research.
Our Researchers
Our Assistant Curator (Mr Thomas Mallinson) deals with all enquiries, ably assisted by a small number of volunteers. For an informal chat about your requirements, contact Tom directly:
via e-mail at asst.curator@lancashireinfantrymuseum.org.uk
or by telephone on 01772 260584 (Tuesday-Thursday 9am-5pm ONLY)
Please note that a times there can be a heavy backlog of requests, which are dealt with in strict order of receipt. Please therefore allow at least 12 weeks for a request to be completed. Although we would normally hope to complete a request more quickly, there will be occasions when it will take longer.
To access our downloadable archive search request form please click HERE.
Cost of Research
A basic donation of £30 is required for all research requests.
On rare occasions, it may be found that research is likely to be extensive (that is, normally, taking longer than 1 hour). If so, we will always contact you to discuss the way forward.
Please note that additional work is normally costed at £20 per hour or part thereof.
We promise that further work will only be suggested if we believe that there is additional source material worth investigating, and that we will not proceed without your express permission.
Photocopying charges will be invoiced separately when your search is complete:
A4 – 25p per copy
A3 – 50p per copy).
It is important to note that, if the search is for details of an individual soldier, IT IS ENTIRELY POSSIBLE THAT NO INFORMATION WILL BE FOUND. Nevertheless, because of the time which has been taken, the research fee will still be required.
Payment may be made by cheque or on-line (including payment from outside the United Kingdom):
Cheques should be made payable to ‘Lancashire Infantry Museum’.
Alternatively, payment may be made on-line by clicking on the button below and following the instructions.
If you use this method, we must ask you to please also forward confirmation of payment by e-mail to asst.curator@lancashireinfantrymuseum.org.uk
Until we receive this, we regret that your research cannot be processed.
Please may we also ask you to complete our Gift Aid Form (CLICK HERE) and return it with your inquiry form.