Friends of the
Lancashire Infantry Museum

Who are we?
The Friends is an active organisation which provides a focus and a forum for all those with an interest in military history in general, and that of Central Lancashire’s historic infantry regiments in particular.
By doing so, the group helps the Museum to preserve and promote the most important regimental heritage collection in the North West of England, and one of the most important in the country.
Founded in 2001, the Friends became an independent charity registered with the Charity Commissioners in 2007.
The Friends:
Raise funds to support the collection and the Museum.
Organise an annual programme of study days and events. These offer opportunities for in-depth examination of specific aspects of Regimental history. Drawing on the Museum’s extensive and often unique archives, and sometimes featuring Regimental veterans of the campaign being studied, our Study Days are designed not only to be valid for the serious student of military history; but also entertaining and enjoyable for those with a more general interest. Recent study days have included the Regiment’s campaigns in Afghanistan, Arnhem, Aden, Iraq, Malaya, Northern Ireland, and The Somme.
Run Battlefield Tours to areas of historical Regimental interest – which, given that ours is the only Regiment in world history which has fought on every inhabited continent, provides an inexhaustible range to choose from. Since 2001 the Friends have visited Belgium (The Siege of Namur 1695 and the Battle of Waterloo 1815), France (the Retreat from Mons 1914, The Somme 1915, Ypres 1915-18, Normandy 1944, ), Turkey (Gallipoli 1915), Italy (Anzio and Cassino 1944), Spain and Portugal (The Peninsular War 1808-1814), and the Netherlands (Operation Market Garden 1944).
For more information and to join, Please click HERE