Become A Friend Today
And make a difference!

help to sustain one of the most important Regimental heritage collections in the country
You can get involved as much or as little as you wish
Friends can support the museum by:
Attending museum events and activities
Raising the museum’s profile
Making financial donations
Making bequests
Friends Membership Benefits Include:
Unlimited free admission to the Museum
A copy of the Museum's regular Newsletter
Invitations to members-only lectures and other events (Additional fees may be payable)
Opportunities to join our annual Battlefield Tours
Invitation to the Annual General Meeting
Complimentary Christmas buffet lunch
Our members are drawn from all walks of life, brought together by their common interest in military history. Some are former members of the Duke of Lancaster's Regiment, the Queen’s Lancashire Regiment, or their antecedents; some have served either in other units, or indeed the other Armed Forces. Many have seen no service but are keen amateur historians. One collects and restores old military vehicles, and at least one is an expert war gamer. There is something in the Friends for everyone – all you need is an interest in history.
Annual Membership Subscriptions
Individual - £20 p.a.
Family - £30 p.a. (includes 1 or 2 parents and up to two children)
Senior (over 65) - £10 p.a.
Individual Life Membership (single donation) - £300
Join Today!
To join, please download the forms below, which should be printed out, completed and returned, either by post to the address shown, or via e-mail to friends@lancashireinfantrymuseum.org.uk
If you are a UK Taxpayer, please also complete the tax reclaim certificate. For every £1 you contribute, this allows us to claim a further 25p from the Government.
(provided only that in the appropriate tax year, you have paid an amount of Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax at least equal to the tax that the Friends reclaims on your donations)
We look forward to welcoming you as a new Friend
and thank you for your support.